Lucia Ntlaloe was born on March 7th, 1967 in Baragwanath, Diepkloof Soweto. She grew up in Lesotho with her aunt and completed grade 9 there. After returning to South Africa, she passed grade 12 and pursued various courses such as dressmaking, typing, and computer literacy. Her last job was as an admin clerk for the Vaal Reefs Disaster Trust, which unfortunately closed down in 2020.

Currently, Lucia sells religious and health books together with her sister while also working as a dressmaker. However, she faces challenges as many people cannot afford to buy her books and those who do often do not pay her when she sells on credit. When Lucia sells books, she encourages people to plant trees for their health. The books she sells include “Healing Foods” and “Juicing for Life,” which teach people about diseases and which fruits should be eaten to prevent them.

Lucia’s dream is to establish a dressmaking school for young girls and women who are unemployed. She believes that dressmaking and farming skills can help them earn an income and support their families. Overall, Lucia has always had a strong desire to help others, and she sees it as a gift that she can extend to her family and community.