Meet Nolia Moshodi, a Changemaker from Hoopstad

My name is Nolia Moshodi, and I am a mother and a passionate advocate for women’s health and well-being, especially for young African, Black, and Brown women. My journey into raising awareness and advocating for issues affecting women is deeply personal and profoundly shaped by my own experiences with cancer.

I carry the genes for potential generational cancer from both my parents. My mother and my grandfather both lost their battles with cancer, and their losses left me grappling with the fear of what my future might hold.

When my daughter was born five years ago, I was advised to get a mammogram. But life quickly became overwhelming, and I had to put off the appointment. I wasn’t ready to face the reality of my family’s cancer history. I felt like I was robbed of a chance to prepare for a future that seemed uncertain and very frightening.

This experience has taught me just how important it is, as individuals, to understand our genetic history. It’s not just about knowing our family’s health issues; it’s about how we confront and manage these challenges before they become difficult or impossible to deal with. Our children rely on us for guidance. They deserve the benefit of our awareness and honesty to help equip them for their own future.

I have always been driven by a desire to make a difference, both in my own life and in the lives of others. I want Black children to know that their worth isn’t determined by their circumstances or struggles but by their hearts and actions. My mother was my hero and inspiration. These goals and desire to bring about change in my community are inspired by the work she used to do when she was still alive.

My mother’s legacy of giving back (even when she didn’t have much herself) continues to inspire me. I remember how she would take me with her when doing pick-ups and drop-offs for clothing drives, and personally delivering the clothes to families in need. One family that stands out is a single mother and her two adult sons with disabilities. My mother would dedicate her time and efforts to ensure those boys were cared for. Her compassion and dedication have profoundly shaped who I am today.

My passions keep me moving forward. They fuel my desire to bring smiles to faces and make our community stronger and more informed. I hope to inspire others to embrace their potential, face their fears with courage, and work together to create a brighter future for our children.

Bite Size: 4 wellness trends we are obsessing over

When it comes to health, you can say we are a little more than obsessed. From signing our whole team up for the In Goop Health Online summit. To trying and talking about every health trend under the sun. Which is why fresh off of our first few weeks of the In Goop Health summit. Along with some trends we have been seeing online. We have rounded up the top four wellness trends we cannot get over and want to keep doing well into the new season.

  1. Working outside: Whilst most of us have found a few nooks and crannies to turn into home offices. Very few of us have ventured outside. As in outside our doors. Which is one thing we are looking forward to as the weather is in that perfect in between phase, is working from outside. So grab a chair, your laptop and some SPF and enjoy the rays as you work from the outdoors.
  2. At home workouts: Gone are the days of crowded gyms and sweaty machines. These days most of us are getting our workout fix from our homes. Whether you use an app or follow your own fitness routine. Getting fit and healthy has never been so much easier (and wallet friendly) as it is now.
  3. Good sleep habits: As a habitual bad sleeper, I can tell you first hand that not getting enough ZZZs can get exhausting. Which is why I am obsessed with creating a cleaner and better sleeping habits. From keeping electronics out of the bedroom. To ensuring I have a good sleep routine down like drinking tea, reading and ensuring my bedroom is temperature controlled.
  4. Non alcoholic wine: As somewhat of a wine lover, I can say that this new trend was not one I was into. But once I got a taste of some of the great non alcoholic wines out there I was convinced (sort of). Not only is it a great way to steer clear of midweek hangovers. But it is also a healthier alternative ,